Monthly ArchivesNovembre 2024


Our local partner organization CRUC - Coordinació Rural de Catalunya is looking for 1 ESC volunteer for a 7 month project, from February to August of 2025 in Solsona. The international volunteer will be supporting the tasks, actions and initiatives from CRUC-ESCAMN (the Outdoor Activities Catalan Base School) like:  Supporting the leaders and preparing material for the activities addressed to kids between 4-14 years around different local centers.  Support the leaders in the summer activities as work camps or summer camps, addressed to local kids and teenagers in different Catalan villages. Preparing and delivering informative speeches to youngsters. Educate youngsters during outdoor activities and train them how to respect, enjoy and learn about the natural environment. The volunteer will work ...

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Butlletí OCTUBRE 2024 image

  Aquest mes a COCAT han passat moltes coses. Part de l'equip de COCAT ha anat a Itàlia per assistir a l'Alliance Congress. A més, aquest ha estat el darrer més de les nostres voluntàries ESC a l'oficina de COCAT. Seguiu llegint per a assabentar-vos de tot!   Pots llegir sobre això i més al nostre butlletí, fes clic aquí! I si encara no estàs subscrit... Pots fer-ho a través d'aquest enllaç😄🔗 Gaudeix la ...

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