Ofertes de projectes ESC – European Solidarity Corps

Com triar el projecte

Si estàs interessat/da en alguna de les ofertes vigents, llegeix les Condicions de participació per a Estades ESC per entendre quin és el procediment d’inscripció i preparació.


Envia’ns un correu electrònic a esc@cocat.org explicant les teves motivacions i el projecte en què estàs interessat i ens posarem en contacte amb tu al més aviat possible.


El procés per fer un projecte amb ESC és més llarg que el d’un projecte de llarga durada normal, així que, si estàs interessat/da, llegeix amb atenció les condicions de participació i contacta aviat amb nosaltres!


Tens ganes de marxar a fer un projecte per Europa?

Aquí pots trobar totes les ofertes que hi ha ara mateix obertes arreu!


Pots consultar les condicions de participació en projectes ESC de COCAT aquí.

Encara tens dubtes??

Escriu-nos a esc@cocat.org o truca’ns. T’ajudarem en tot el procés!


Volunteering in Spain

WHERE: Gran canaria

WHEN: From 01.06.2024 – 30.11.2024

MORE INFO: click here

DEADLINE: As soon as possible


Volunteering in France

WHERE: Throughout France

WHEN: From September or October on (10 to 12 month)

MORE INFO: click here

DEADLINE: No deadline

HOSTING ORGANISATION: Compagnons Batisseurs France

Volunteering in Belgium

WHERE: 9 open calls in the French-speaking part of Belgium

WHEN: Some opportunities start on August, other in September or October (9 to 12 month)

MORE INFO: click here

DEADLINE: Look at each call to know the deadline

HOSTING ORGANISATION: Compagnons Batisseurs Belgium

Volunteering in Estonia

WHERE: 15 open placements around Estonia

WHEN: Starting in September/October and around 7 to 9 months.

MORE INFO: click here

HOW TO APPLY: Fill in the application form that you will find in their website and send it.

DEADLINE: The information in their website is accurate with the projects that still have places or not. As soon as you send the application form, an interview is arranged.



WHERE: Barcelona, Catalonia.

WHEN: from 01/02/24 to 31/10/24  (9 months)

HOSTING ORGANISATION: Coordinadora d’Organitzadors de Camps de Treball Internacionals de Catalunya – COCAT


The role of the volunteers who will participate in our ESC project will be to support the incoming, outgoing and the ESC areas.

It means one of the volunteers will be supporting the work that is done to host volunteers (incoming), the other one will be supporting the work that is done to
send volunteers (outgoing), and the third one will be supporting the work in the ESC area fostering mobility and long-term voluntary service opportunities and helping its diffusion at local and international levels.

They also will be promoting an international voluntary service, producing informative material, participating in informative sessions, updating the web and the
social networks, and posts on our website.

They will manage administrative tasks and will work in a team in COCAT’s office in Barcelona.



  • Give information to the volunteers that want to go abroad on a work camp (picking-up the phone and answering emails).
  • Placement and registration process by using our database and contacting international organizations.
  • Promote international voluntary service.
  • Organization of the informative sessions about work camps and long term projects to promote volunteering.
  • Communication tasks like producing informative material in social media. The volunteers will update the web and the social networks, and publish articles and posts on the COCAT website.
  • Organization of the post-camp annual volunteers meeting at the end of the work camp season.
  • Help with the organization of the photography contest organized by COCAT at the end of the season.



  • Motivation and proactivity.
  • Consciousness that the project will have a big administrative part and back office work.
  • Strong motivation for youth voluntary projects.
  • Experience in volunteering.
  • Good English level and basic Spanish.



  • Having participated in a work camp or in other international youth projects (youth exchanges, training).
  • Spanish knowledge.
  • Will to learn Catalan and ability for foreign languages.
  • Experience, interest in communication and social media.

Extra information HERE.



Send your CV  in ENGLISH to voluntariat.ltv@cocat.org  and fill THIS FORM.


DEADLINE for applications: 29/10/23

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